In March 2020 as schools closed due to the pandemic induced lockdown -
The world came to a standstill; we did not!
Ahvaan partnered with the DOE to meaningfully engage children and minimize consequent learning losses. Since users lacked devices, bandwidth and an understanding of using technology, simple Worksheets were developed and sent to parents via WhatsApp. This soon became an important part of the teaching-learning process.
Ahvaan developed over 100 Pre-Primary and Grade 1 Worksheets which were sent to parents, reviewing & reporting on their effectiveness
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+Created over 25 activity-based videos and posted them on the Neev teachers’ group and Facebook;
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+Developed 186 daily lesson plans for classes Nursery to 2 around the Deshbhakti (Good Citizenship) Curriculum for SCERT, Delhi;
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+With the newly constituted Curriculum Reform Committee and the development of a Delhi State Board – Ahvaan was invited to develop the ECCE 1 and ECCE 2 Curriculum and Daily Lesson Plans for the Foundational Years of 3+ to 8+, under the guidance of SCERT, Delhi and Primary Branch, DoE, Delhi. Our work includes developing resources for children, and guidelines for parents mapped to the National Education Policy 2020.
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+This will be implemented in all the Delhi government schools over the next few years.
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As an organization, Ahvaan displayed tremendous agility and prompt responsiveness, witnessed in the complete shift to the first online capacity building training of the State Cadre of Tripura. It was our first online attempt at any kind of capacity building engagement with the educators. The sessions included activities, hitherto considered impossible to execute in any way other than face to face interactions. The time that we could not spend in the field was utilized in building a strong cadre of state resources, who would be part of the implementation arm of Ahvaan, going forward.
In addition, we successfully handed over a complete toolkit comprising three years of pre-primary curriculum, detailed day wise lesson plans, student workbooks, teachers’ manual and additional activity sheets for the teachers and students of Tripura.
Ahvaan’s inputs on the set-up of pre-primary classrooms led to a complete transformation of classrooms for the 3+ to 5+-year-old children. All this, during the peak of the pandemic!
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+Ahvaan conducted 120 hours of online training for State resources during the pandemic
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+Additionally, we have created a State Cadre there, which will serve as an anchor for teacher’s training.
An online state cadre of Master Trainers was created for the first time, who going forward will conduct training for pre-primary teachers.
Throughout the lockdown, Ahvaan successfully completed all submissions of curriculum, workbooks, teacher manual & daily lesson plans to Tripura.
Ahvaan’s work saw no pause in the entire period of 2020-21. We successfully handed over a complete toolkit comprising three years of pre-primary curriculum, detailed day-wise lesson plans, student workbooks, teachers’ manuals and additional activity sheets for the teachers and students of Tripura.
Ahvaan’s inputs on the set-up of pre-primary classrooms led to a complete transformation of classrooms for the 3+ to 5+-year-old children. All this, during the peak of the pandemic!